Well I changed jobs. I couldn't stand around all day at the other job all day in one spot. It bothered me that I wasn't getting enough exercise. It also has been rough to lose weight since the surgery. I have changed my diet and I have increased my activity level. Increased activity has helped I went to the doctor and the last 6 months I have lost 20 pounds. So no now I have to just keep it up.
As for the eye sight, my eye health is so much better. I am not going to lose my sight. My sight did get better with the decrease in swelling but my vision acuity has gotten a little worse for distance. I am considering eye surgery.
The Migraines are essentially gone. I occasionally get headaches now. They are just headaches not some painful thing that just puts me down for the day. I watch the foods that i eat to keep the headaches in line. My biggest concern has been my caffeine intake in concern with my headaches. I notice a difference but at least I am aware.
Pain Management is getting better with the shunt. Yes, I have pain but not where you think I would. My head no pain at all where the shunt is located. The area at the incision in my head is sometimes tender due to sleeping on that side. Go figure. Other weird pain that happens is in my belly near that incision site, it feels like the shunt moves in my stomach or rolls sometime. Almost like it gets caught on something and tugs. Now it doesn't really move so I am having some phantom pains. They are real pains to me but at this current time the doctors can not pin point where or how it is causing me pain. In addition to this I have pain in the lower abdomen area occasionally. This pain is associated with the ovarian cyst surgery I had a month after shunt surgery. The doctors believe I am increasing in cysts and they are occasionally rupturing or rubbing causing pain. Weight loss and a controlled diet are my only helping factors at this point. I don't want to have more abdominal surgery if i can help it.
Overall the biggest drawback to my surgery has been my sexual drive. It has decreased drastically. The doctor doesn't think its mental or related to the surgery but It may actually be related to where the shunt is located in my brain. I think it is a bit of a stretch personally but I give the doctor some gusto for trying to help. I take medication and things to see if it helps. I personally think it is related to the second cyst surgery not the shunt surgery. Another drawback that is small but a peeve too is getting my hair styled or trimmed. Since my hair has grown back it has changed to a darker color. I dislike this severely. I am getting gray, white and silver growths mixed with the New color. I also can not stand it short when it comes to styling. My hair was fine and straight now it is a little thicker and more coarse with some body or curls depending on humidity. My hair grows quicker so if I like a hairstyle I to get it trimmed sooner than I used to. So my two peeves are sex and hair. How far apart could those two be on the spectrum. Now I just realized one more but its the last. My sleep cycles are off. I sleep long and short hours. I have weird cycles to my sleep. Sometimes I have insomnia or other times i feel narcoleptic. Extreme opposites but that is my insanity.
So I am doing pretty well overall and I hope that this sheds some light. If anyone you know or yourself suffers from severe migraines or have a sudden change in sight contact your doctor and if necessary a neurologist and ask those questions. It can mean the loss of your vision or your life if no treated early.
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